VirtualBox 4.1
Virtualbox 4.1.0 is available for download.
Make sure you also download and install the extension pack for 4.1 before you touch any of your existing VM's.
That said, I haven't had any problems opening VM's created in previous versions with 4.1 so far.
Old Joke
There are 10 types of people in the world.
Those that understand binary and those that don't.
Windows Script Host
Not my favourite scripting environment but there are occassions when it's useful.
One such is scripting an update of SAP passwords across multiple servers.
We are in the process of implementing SAP in a global environment and currently have c. 9 SAP instances and many more SAP client environments.
Without CUA (yet) changing passwords has become a tedious waste of time so we have created a VB script to do the job.
The script is based on work published at
During work on this script we came across this WSH error:
Windows Script Host: Unterminated entity reference - matching ';' not found
After a few minutes we tracked this down to a URL that had been put into a script comment.
The URL included multiple parameters and therefore a '&' and it was that which was causing the error.
Hope that saves someone else a few minutes detective work.
We will be publishing the WSH password change script in due course.