Table of Contents

Oracle Notes

User authentication

If you use Windows domains then this would be how to go about enabling O/S authentication.

Do this at your own risk

1. Create a password file (if one does not already exist), e.g.

orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME\database\orapwSID.ora password=****

Where: SID=instance ID and password=the SYSDBA password

2. Set database parameters, i.e.

remote_os_authent = TRUE
remote_login_passwordfile = EXCLUSIVE
os_authent_prefix = "" # this must be set to an empty string

3. Create a user

SET escape OFF
IDENTIFIED externally
DEFAULT tablespace USERS
TEMPORARY tablespace TEMP ;

Where “DOMAIN\USER” is the Windows domain and username. The “set escape OFF” is relevant if using SQL*Plus as it allows Windows domain\user notation to be used.

4. On the client - check that SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES is set to NTS, e.g.


You should now be able to “CONNECT /@connect_string”

Note the double quotes during user creation. All subsequent references to the user must be enclosed in double quotes.

Optimiser Statistics

Is automatic statistics colelction enabled?

select enabled from dba_scheduler_jobs where job_name='GATHER_STATS_JOB';

Disable / Enable automatic statistics collection


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Check automatic statistics collection job

col operation form a40 wrap head 'operation(on)'
col target form a1
select operation||decode(target,null,null,'-'||target) operation
,to_char(start_time,'YYMMDD HH24:MI:SS.FF4') start_time
,to_char(  end_time,'YYMMDD HH24:MI:SS.FF4') end_time
from dba_optstat_operations
order by start_time desc
operation(on)                            START_TIME                END_TIME
---------------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
gather_database_stats(auto)              100512 22:00:01.4941      100513 06:00:01.2002