Database administration
Operating systems
Following require login:
SSH Login Banners
There are two places where login banners can be configured.
What might be less well known are the techniques for disabling these banners when you login via SSH.
$ touch $HOME/.hushlogin
In my spare time I do some work for a local charity - which has meant getting up to speed with some new (for me) web and database software.
We have recently migrated their CRM to CiviCRM running on Drupal and MySQL. They currently have two environments - test/training and production but there is an impending Drupal and CiviCRM upgrade to consider.
For that we have copied their training environment onto a local NAS for some upgrade testing.
Initial reading made me think that copying the software and database stack would be a bit troublesome - in the event it was fairly straightforward.
After that the site came up on the NAS without any issues.
If you are moving the site into somewhere other than the document root then you might need to rebuild your menu cache by running /civicrm/menu/rebuild?reset=1
Now for the upgrades …